Wide bandgap (WBG) semiconductors differ from conventional semiconductors: they have larger bandgap, providing significant benefits, like greater power efficiency, smaller size, lighter weight, and lower overall cost. Compound materials, like gallium nitride and silicon carbide, provide some exceptional benefits, enabling the production of advanced, easy-to-use power devices, ultra-high frequency radio devices and more. These cases range from electronics used in chargers and adapters for consumer applications, EV charging, telecom, SMPS, solar, and battery formation for industrial applications, as well as in onboard charging and high-voltage to low voltage DC-DC converters for automotive applications.
Compound semiconductors enable great innovations; however, their metrology requires new solutions, as the measurement of specific optical and electrical properties is crucial when working with GaN and SiC.
The rapid development in the WBG industry demands metrology solutions capable of keeping up with the latest advancements. For reliable production, composition and defects, dopant concentration, electrical and optical qualities must be regularly monitored. Semilab offers several products for this purpose utilizing a wide range of non-contact and non-destructive metrology methods, to reveal properties directly related to device characteristics or performance.
Our top-of-the-line systems can deliver accurate metrology data about material resistivity, film thickness, composition, and mobility with the help of a wide range of techniques.
The MBM-2201 system for example was developed to provide manufacturers and researchers with accurate contactless measuring using microwave reflectance.
For more details about compound semiconductor characterization and the MBM product family, check our infographics and read more following the link below: