Pushing size limits in the semiconductor industry and metrology


Unveiling the Power of AFM: Elevate Your Surface Characterization!

The landscape of technology is continuously evolving. Transistors, the building blocks of modern electronics, have shrunk so much they are slowly entering the nanometer size range, making it possible to stack billions of them into our everyday devices.

Due to this trend the industry has become more sensitive to the defects and imperfections of the devices, making defect detection and surface characterization more important now than ever.

With its high-resolution non-optical imaging technique, Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) has transformed surface analysis. At Semilab, we offer the cutting-edge Semilab AFM product family, providing atomic precision for surface characterization. AFM scanners ensure stability and scan rates, enabling top-quality roughness inspection and defect analysis for nanoscale materials.

AFM's game-changing applications include Roughness Inspection and Defect Review with optional μPIT integration. Analyzing roughness characteristics through 3D surface images allows better control over processes like CMP and EPI composition. Combining μPIT and AFM enables pinpoint defect detection and characterization for valuable quality control insights.

The Semilab AFM systems unify cutting-edge technology and decades-long expertise, delivering stable and accurate performance in a user-friendly environment. They can be seamlessly integrated into your workflow, with manual or robot loading options or utilized for R&D purposes as well.

Unlock the true potential of AFM with Semilab AFM product family, elevating your understanding of materials for research and manufacturing excellence and meet the newest addition, AFM-3000: