
State-of-the-art tabletop AFM with automated measurement features

High-resolution, sub-atomic precise measurements with extremely low noise level, enabling sub-atomic precision measurements and highly reproductible material characterization of various samples with up to 65x65 mm in size.

With cutting-edge technology and decades of knowhow, the Semilab tabletop AFM system enables consistent nanotopography measurements and electrical characterization of various materials, and with that, provides to your academic research microscopic measurement solutions based on semiconductor industry standards.

High Performance:

  • Sub-atomic resolution AFM system
  • AFM scanner utilizing flexure-guided piezo positioners for flat scanner movement
  • Configurable scan area size
  • Integrated dual focus camera system for laser alignment and tip-to-sample positioning
  • Manually adjustable laser path
  • Motorized sample stage
  • Sample holder: clamps or magnetic fixing


  • Compact tabletop AFM system with small footprint for R&D applications
  • Easy and safe sample and cantilever handling
  • High level of automation: series of different measurements can be automatically carried out on a single sample

Scan Area Customization Options:


Option 1

Option 2

Scan range

50x50 µm

100x100 µm

Z range

5 µm

10 µm

Stage range

20x20 mm


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