PN-100 is a fast, easy-to-use, non-contact tool for determining conductivity type (p or n) of the semiconductor materials.
Features and System specifications:
- Type determination of silicon blocks and wafers including single- or multicrystalline material as well as bare and oxidized wafers
- Measurement time: 0.5 s
- Result display:
- Red LED = P-type
- Green LED = N-type
- Resistivity range: 20 mΩcm to 3000 Ωcm
- Measurement spot: diameter depends on the distance: ~10-20 mm
- Excitation depth: ~3 μm
- Measuring distance depends on the resistivity and surface: e.g. for 10 Ωcm material with polished surface ~20 mm
- Number of measurements without exchanging the battery: ~10.000
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