Semilab has a strong academic background and a wide experience in developing R&D tools for various applications in material sciences, semiconductor and photovoltaic research.
Semilab offers tools for flat panel production monitoring and for R&D as well.
Most of our measurement techniques are avaliable for in-line use in the Flat Panel Testers.
Semilab is the 5th biggest pure-play semiconductor metrology company, and offers flexible solutions for material and process characterization. Products range from handheld devices to fully automated tools.
Semilab is the market leader in the front-end electrical characterization of the solar cell manufacturing process in the silicon-based photovoltaic market.
SEMILAB EIR system on cover of Compound Semiconductor Magazine
We're thrilled to announce that Semilab is featured in the latest issue of Compound Semiconductor magazine!
In our technical paper we discuss the potential of SiC for high-power application...