Besides Semilab’s own automated wafer sorter platform, Semilab manufactures separate measurement units for integration into automated PV production lines. Semilab has been working together with all the relevant automation companies to integrate the measurement units.
The equipments cover a diverse range of metrology needs for comprehensive process and quality control in Si PV industry:
All measurement units are designed considering the following directives:
Laser ellipsometry measures a change in polarization as light reflects or transmits from a material structure. The polarization change is represented as an amplitude ratio, Ψ, and the phase difference, Δ. The measured response depends on optical properties and thickness of individual materials. Thus, ellipsometry is primarily used to determine film thickness and optical constants. However, it is also applied to characterize roughness and surface morphology by using scatter light measurement method.
Applications: tunnel oxide (thin SiO2 on Si), and poly-Si on SiO2/Si wafer structures monitoring